Friday, 23 November 2018

It Snows - Part 3

In the following few lessons, we plan to block the whole of the piece in order to have a solid foundation on which to improve upon. In this sense, we are using the Frantic Assembly style of starting with something simple and improving on it later making it more complicated as we go which will impress the audience a lot more.

On Monday, we showed the class the worst 5 minutes of the piece thus far and we believe them to be the waiting for the party sequence and the actual party itself. Most of this is repetitiveness and feeling as though we could do more in the Frantic style like we learned on the workshop. Unfortunately, we didn't take a video of the worst part, but the following bullet points detail what we felt was wrong with the piece and also include what the class thought the next steps we should take are:

  • The party feels too similar wherein we seem to be going in circles for the duration of it. Additionally, there appears to be a lack of progression to it. The class suggested we have further moments of stopping (such as the shoes off section) which would interest the audience a lot more. 
  • The split scene is not smooth enough and thus feels clunky and out of place.
  • The lack of sound that we make in the party. When we do make sound it blocks out Kathryn's words. This may be solved by Kathryn saying these lines out to the audience so that they can be understood better. 
  • Music is needed and we need to find music to fit each scene. There are some recommended artists for the piece that the author and director suggested which seem to fit. 
  • Everyone looks awkward. I think this is because we feel as though the piece is not at the performance standard we would want.

In the following blog I will analyse the changes that we made to the party and why we made them. In the next blog piece we did record a video so the analysis and reasons why and how this links to Frantic Assembly's style will be there and available. There will also be the changes we made to the bus stop scene as well as attempts made in creating the final scene.

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TIE - Part 19

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